The vast majority of people at some stage in their lives have decide to get fit and healthy or at least try and make better decisions in their everyday lives.
But if you look around you’ll see that most people don’t look very healthy. And if you asked them, most people would tell you that they haven’t achieved their health & fitness goals or the quality of life that they really desire.
I know this to be true as I meet these people everyday through my work.
Now, if most people at some stage try and make these changes yet most people fail then something is seriously wrong with the methods that most people are using.
The sad thing is that most people will continue to use them and therefore fail to achieve their goals. These people will inevitably quit with the mistaken belief that they gave it a decent go.
On the other hand you have the small minority of people who actually succeed in achieving what they set out to achieve because they follow methods that have a proven track record of delivering the results that they want.
Because we help so many clients to do this on a daily basis we have become experts in what works and what doesn’t.
Here are 9 of them in no particular order. Make what you will of them.
- Develop the right mindset
Without a doubt, developing the right mindset when you decide to change is your biggest advantage because once you’ve fully decided to change your life for the better you won’t be able to stop. Sure you’ll meet obstacles but you’ deal with them and move forwards again.
If you truly want something you will do what it takes to get it because it has become a part of who you are.
2. Progress slowly
You made the decision to change. Great. Now slow down!!
Trying to change too fast will over eventually overwhelm you and send you straight back to where you started or even further. You’re confidence will be bruised, you’ll have another defeat under you’re belt and you’ll be worse off than you were before.
Changing habits at a slower pace will stop you from getting overwhelmed and allow you to make each one of them a ‘norm’ for you.
With that being said,
3. Plan for challenges
People think that when they decided get fit and healthy that they will never come up against a challenge. Going back to point 1, this is a faulty mindset.
Challenges are just a part of the journey. You can deal with them or empower them to stop you in your tracks. If you slip, get back up, refocus and move forward again.
4. Forget the events
Fit and healthy people are fit and healthy as part of who they are, not because there is a wedding coming up! Weddings, the new year, a holiday, etc. are events and if you’re only focusing on getting fit and healthy when they are coming up then you’re seriously missing the big picture. Of course there is nothing wrong with being a little extra good coming up to them but you need to look at that as a top up and focus on the bigger picture of life long health and wellbeing.
5. Get a coach
A great coach will educate you, support you in making the changes necessary and hold you accountable. Don’t underestimate how powerful this is. If you’re struggling or not happy with your results, hire a coach
6. It’s not all about the exercise
Exercise is such an important part of being healthy but it doesn’t end there. Being organised, relaxing, having a well stocked fridge, have a great kitchen set up, getting enough sleep each night, regular massage and many other other factors all influence your wellbeing.
By not focusing on developing these ‘lifestyle’ factors most people end up frustrated and chasing their tales. Don’t be one of them.
7. Be specific about what you want
The less specific you are the more likely you are to fail. Lets be honest, how on earth are you going to achieve something if you don’t even know what it is.
Most people’s goal of ‘tone up and get fit’ can be turned into a much more powerful goal by saying ‘drop 2 dress sizes, and achieve 5 push within 12 weeks’. See the difference?
8. Know you’re why
Again, if you don’t have a very powerful reason WHY you want to change you simply won’t change.
I’m not going to tell you what your WHY should be but it needs to be something strong enough to make you take your decision to change seriously and actually………
9. Take action
All the rest is rubbish if you don’t actually do what needs to be done. Don’t misunderstand, going guns ho for 2 weeks in January IS NOT TAKING ACTION so don’t say you’ve done that in the past and still didn’t see any result.
Taking action means going about your goals in a planned, smart and informed way so that your goals are guaranteed. The reason most people fail is that they don’t take action.
Think how crazy that is. Most people get frustrated about not getting the results they want even though they didn’t do anything about it!
Monday morning blog done and dusted. If it struck a chord with you and you’re serious about achieving your health and fitness goals, feel free to click the free consult banner below.
Enjoy your day 🙂
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