Every educated athlete these days takes part in some form of strength work with the hope of improving their sports performance.
Unfortunately most of them go about it the wrong way unless they have a professionally designed program by a competent strength and conditioning coach.
With the huge increase of training facilities opening up, uneducated people make the huge mistake that any trainer has the knowledge of how to design a training program for to increase the sorts performance of an athlete.
Not every trainer knows everything about all aspects of training. As an example, in our facility we are not experts in cross fit, spinning or bodybuilding. Is this what you are interested in doing? Great. Just don’t ask us.
What we are experts in is fat loss, health and sports performance. These are the areas where we focus all our valuable time. And just because we consider ourselves in these areas doesn’t mean we know everything about them. We are always learning, trying out new ideas and reading up on new research that becomes available. This is a process that lasts forever.
So, returning back to our original point, not every trainer is educated to optimally improve your sports performance through a safe and effective strength and conditioning program.
You are reading this because you want to become a better athlete. So where do you start?
Eneter the sports performance pyramid. there are many different models but all share similarities.
To give you an insight into our general philosophy for developing our athletes and the type of model we use, here’s a video I made a couple of years ago. While we have changed certain ideas, ways of doing things, etc. as we’ve gotten more experience and education, it still contains some great information for any serious athlete and isn’t.
We use a slightly different model now but overall the content is the still the same.
Knowledge itself is useless. It’s only when we apply it that it becomes powerful so don’t forget to implement what you learn.
We have built all these concepts and strategies into our SPORTS PERFORMANCE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM so that you do need to worry whether or not you are doing the right hints or not. We take care of that for all our athletes so they can focus on the important stuff- training and getting the results they want.
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