One of our athletes was training during the week and he was telling me how good he was currently feeling with regard to his sport.
This client is a rugby athlete and during one of his training sessions he said he never felt stronger. None of his team mates could take him down and he just felt as if he could drive through anything.
He said he has been feeling much better when playing in general but that this week in particular he just felt amazing as if everything had just clicked.
His overall strength, the power he could generate and how easily he could hold off tackles were ust a few of the things he noticed.
Last year was also the first time in his carrer that this athlete hadn’t picked up an non-contact injury.
Prior to this hed was considering finishing up his carreer after 28 years playing but has now decided to stay on for 1 more season.
What did he do?
According to him he has seen the biggest benefits from his strength and conditioning program that we designed for him as well as the support we provide all our clients with to get maximum results.
He completes his program twice a week after work so it’s not exactly a massiv workload to fit in.
He also implements the tools, strategies and advice that we provide him:
- he gets regular massage
- eats nutritious food that fuels his sport
- works on maintaining decent basic movements, mobility and flexibility
- Focuses on good mechanics and exercise technique in the gym
- Works to maintain his strength and power during his competitve season
- He enjoys his training and simply follows his program
- He doesn’t make a big deal out of training- he loves it but there’s no drama attached
- He implements the advice of his coaches
All basic stuff but the benefits he is getting from them are MASSIVE:
Are you seeing anywhere near the same results in your sport from your S&C program?
Do you even have an S&C program?
If you don’t then start with the basics mentioned above?
If you do then stick with the basics mentioned above- they’ll serve you well.
You can read this athletes story here if you want a bit more insight into the benfits that he has received from training with us.
If you’d like more help in becoming the best athlete you can be then clcik the consultation banner below.
Train hard, train smart and stay healthy (and take your S&C work seriously)
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