I’ve been on holidays for the last 5 days and spent a lot of time reading up on what it takes to really lose unwanted body fat.
No matter where I searched all the top fat loss experts agreed on the same basic principles. I’ve also noticed that these principles of fat loss are the driving force behind our most successful fat loss clients.
Yesterday evening, as I was thinking up of the content for this blog I then ran into 2 past clients who embodied these principles more than I could ever explain.
But I’ll try and hopefully you’ll get some great information and insight into what it really takes to transform your physique and more importantly, your life.
This couple had come to me first over 3 years ago and were very extremely overweight. They main goal was to lose weight to have a better quality of life but they really wanted to start a family. This wasn’t possible at the time due to health complications directly caused by being obese.
Needless to say, these guys had a huge amount of work ahead of them and it was going to take a lot of time to see progress. These changes all relied on making a huge mental shift and transforming their lifestyle. Definitely not easy.
For a number of reasons their training with me ended and It was almost 2 years since I saw either of them. Then yesterday evening I ran into them and was literally blown away. They had dropped a total of 246lb (the man dropped 156 lb and the girl dropped 90 lb) between them and had their new 5 week old baby by with them!!! WOW
What had happened in the last 2 years since I saw them? What had changed to allow them to make such a huge transformation.
It was the exact things that every good fat loss expert preaches. It was the exact same thing things that we tell every one of our fat loss clients. Here are the all important principles for effective, life long fat loss and a better quality of life.
1) You reason must be strong enough to cause you to take action
Nobody wants to lose weight for the sake of losing weight. Thats a very weak gols and won’t motivate you for very long. There is always a much deeper, stronger reason if you do a bit of searching.
Be fit to play with your kids
Reduce your risk of heart disease
Be a healthy role model for your kids
In this couples life their main driving reason was to start a family. When the time was right, this reason was powerful enough to get them to make the tough changes that they knew they hd to make. They out in the effort and have a fabulous result to show for it.
2) Stop eating processed food
This is a huge obstacle for people and one this couple also had to face. If the foods you eat are void of nutrients you simply won’t see any meaningful results.
You must replace the junk you are eating with nutrient rich foods that flush your body with goodness. don’t fool yourself into thinking you can do this from Monday to Friday and then do the absolute dog at the weekends. You’ll still feel terrible, look unhealthy and will slowly but surely go back to your old ways.
There’s nothing wrong with a treat but you must apply some common sense to what you eat. It’s hard but you need to do it consistently if you want to see serious progress.
The guys told me that when they cut the rubbish from their diet they felt absolutely terrible for a week and then started to bounce into work on week 2 with 10 times as much energy. They toughed it out and reaped the benefits
3) You must exercise consistently
In the beginning it doesn’t really matter what you do. Find something you like and it CONSISTENTLY. This is crucial. Short spurts here and there are absolutely worthless if you are serious about seeing results.
A structured program of resistance training and conditioning work is the optimal way to lose fat while building lean muscle mass (which is a huge fat burner), developing a strong core, improving your posture and just becoming more resilient.
The guys realised the importance of exercise, got started and have been doing it consistently since.
4) Learning to say no
Another huge obstacle is people’s inability to say no. No to:
junk food
going to the pub
sitting on the couch and missing their planned gym session
watching endless hours of junk t.v. instead of exercising
Those closest to you will often unconsciously try to sabotage your plans to get fit, lean and healthy by making fun of you, pressurising you into eating junk food with them, making you feel guilty about not going to social events with them, etc.
It’s not that hard to fill up your calendar with events that will stall your fat loss progress. Many people spend their lives simply going from event to event (weddings, birthdays, christenings, etc.). If you don’t learn to say no and prioritise your health, fitness and fat loss, you will never reap the rewards that are there to be taken.
Whether it’s 20 lb, 100 lb or 150lb that you want to lose, you’ll never do it by talking about it. Taking consistent action is the only way out and yes it can be very hard to make the changes necessary. Accept that and it will become so much easier.
This couple realised all this and how happy they must be now with their new son and massively improved quality of life. I’m absolutely for delighted for them and wish them the very best with their new family.
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