Goal-based training is one of the keys to why our clients consistently get the results that they want.
It mind sound obvious but if you want to achieve a specific goal then it makes sense to focus on the things will get you to it the quickest and in the most effective way?
Even though it sounds so obvious most people don’t take this approach. What happens to most people is that they get too distracted on what other people are doing, the newest trend, etc. and end up doing using the wrong tool for the wrong job and doing things that don’t directly feed into their chosen goal.
If you spread yourself too thin and try to do bits of everything and jump from program to program you’ll end up achieving nothing and feeling frustrated,
A few examples:
- Guys trying to put on weight but don’t want to stop running
- People trying to lose quality fat by running as their only means of exercise (which is an absolutely terrible approach)
- Pitch athletes (and athletes in general) using spinning and generic circuit training to improve sports performance- I still can’t believe that shit still happens
- Unfit people trying to get healthy by launching themselves straight into a couch to 5k- probably the quickest way to screw up your joints
The quickest way to any specific goal is simply to make it your priority and give it 100% until you achieve using the best tools for the job.
If you want to drop a ton of junk weight:
- stop the long runs
- start strength training
- clean up your nutrition and lifestyle
- add in some smart conditioning sessions —–>>>>For most people, running isn’t one of them especially early on.
Want to achieve 5 chin ups? Then do a program that is designed to do just that.
We have our progressive chin up program which is designed to get clients up to doing 3-5 chin ups.
Does it work?
Every single time. No client has ever completed this program and not achieved their goal because that is exactly what the program is designed to do. Wy wouldn’t it work?
Want to put on a lot of quality muscle?
- Stop the slow cardio
- Start lifting really challenging weights (smartly) using multi-joint exercise
- Eat a ton of clean, healthy, nitrites foods
- sleep, sleep and sleep some more
- Give yourself 12 months of consistency
These are goal based approaches. You are focusing all your efforts on doing what it is will give you the biggest bang for your buck (euro?).
There nothing more frustrating for someone than someone setting out to achieve a certain goal, choosing the wrong tools, giving it what seems to them to be a huge effort and……… nothing. Or at the very least, minor results compared to if they had put in the same effort and time using the RIGHT TOOLS for the job.
And that what it comes down to guys in it’s simplest form. Choosing the right tools for your goals.
If you commit to doing that you will see better results in a few short months than most will see in a lifetime.
If you need help, you are more than welcome too click the consultation form below and send it into us. We’ve helped hundreds of clients achieve the results they wanted by simply providing them with the best tools to get the job done and once they did they had a huge smile from ear to ear.
Are you saying that’s not what you want?
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