One thing that always resonates with me from professional sports people is that they totally realise they must let go of things they cannot control in order to focus what they can control to perform at their best. They accept responsibility and know that what happens to them are as a result of their choices, largely.
This holds true to many other people, not just professional athletes. When people train they must realise that there are things that they cannot control.
Things like the weather, what time their boss schedules a meeting and sickness are things that people often cannot control. All these things can affect a person’s training and can throw them off their goals.
However, you must realise that you can positively affect the majority of what happens to you. You must control what is controllable. Things like what you eat, how much you party, what time you sleep at and for how long are all in YOUR control.
These are nobody else’s responsibility except your own. Nobody forces you to eat a donut and nobody forces you to go out every weekend. You must realise that if you are doing these things very regularly that it is YOU that is choosing to do so.
All of our successful clients realise that they are responsible for getting to their goals. Passing responsibility onto others for your bad choices is the surest way to fail to reach your goals. If you train three times per week then there is another 165 hours that you can affect either positively or negatively. That is a LOT of time! …Like 98% of your week!
What you must realise is that in that moment of temptation when you feel at your weakest that in fact you have the most power! You choose your own attitude. You have the power to decide to train or to sit at the couch, to eat 4 muffins and a milkshake or make a healthy dinner.
YOU have the Power, YOU chose your Attitude, YOU are the Master of what happens next.
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