That’s very manageable on a consistent basis for most people and you will reap the rewards of a healthier lifestyle while still being able to have a life.
But many people have very short memories when it comes to food in their busy lifestyles.
An examples of this is you get stuck at work late and all you have to eat is a scone, cake or chocolate bar from the vending machine.
The next night you’re heading to the cinema and you get some chocolate and popcorn. The following day you forget your lunch and pick up a hot-chicken roll from the deli and a bottle of lucozade.
Very quickly you’re making your way through your 10% and some of that was due to simply being disorganised instead of planning to enjoy it with a friend or your family- and it’s not even the weekend yet!
Of course this can happen to any of us from time but the key to avoiding this is
If life was easy we would always be in control, but social events, unplanned changes to your weekly routine and life in general often change from day to day with work or kids. Simply put, there will always be obstacles to eating healthily and keeping the indulgences under control.
So how do you deal with any obstacles thrown at you on a day to day basis?
- Getting the knowledge of what you should be eating. For most of our clients it’s watching the starchy carbs, making sure they get enough healthy fats, protein and veg
- Be prepared- get organised the night before
- Make sure your not missing too many meals and using that as an excuse to eat junk
- Avoid the petrol station deli. If you can’t then you need to pick the right option
- Eating out? Pick somewhere that has healthy options. Checkthe menu before you go
- In restaurants, request a healthier option, i.e: just ask for no bread with you scrambled egg and smoked salmon. Restaurants don’t mind- you’re a paying customer.
- When calling to friends and all those delicious cakes being pushed at you, have some will power and say NO!!!
- Avoid the side of chips and go for the veg instead- I do this a lot.
- Make sure you not starving before going for dinner. You’re much more likely to stock up on junk
- Just because someone else if having it doesn’t mean you have to.
So they are some practical tips to keep within your 10% buffer zone.
If your going out for dinner once a month or there is a special occasion by all means have the works-starters, mains, dessert, and a few glasses of wine……it’s all good.
That won’t kill you, just do make it a habit every week and you’ll avoid most peoples downfall- eating healthy, nourishing food without any drama attached to it.
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